Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Short Film And Music Video Inspiration

To help me decide whether I would do a short film or a music video, I gathered some inspiration for both, and considered which one looks more fun to do. I also looked to see which one appears to have fewer restrictions on creativity. As well as this however I also had to consider which of the two would be more achievable with my abilities and resources. From watching several music videos, I noticed a considerable number of them used special effects and animation. Furthermore a considerable number of the music videos incorporated several settings, often settings that were heavily distanced apart. This would be largely unachievable for me to do, and so if I were to choose to do a music video I would have to find some way of making it more simplistic, and effective.

Short Films:

These short films, I found through Kermode and Mayo's Well Done U competition. They were either Winners of the competition or included in the shortlist of potential winners. This meaning as well as me liking them, they were also critically acclaimed, indicating they are most likely a good source of inspiration. I particularly liked these short films because of their simplicity, they consisted of no human characters and no dialogue, but were simply driven by one thing and supported by music and sound effects. Equally, they were both simple, yet well thought out ideas which allowed them to have interesting and enjoyable narratives.     

Music Videos:

While I am currently leaning more towards the prospect of doing a short film, I still considered the possibility of doing a music video and so looked for some inspiration from existing music videos. I looked at the music video of Everlong by The Foo Fighters, which I did like as it was very entertaining and almost quite comedic, although it appeared as more of a short film and seemed very detached from the song. I also looked at Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box which is a very unusual music video but still quite interesting, and it stuck to the more conventional music video style of having a combination of shots of the band playing, and shots depicting the narrative. Another difficulty with a music video is I am unable to find a single song that I could come up with a way of depicting a narrative.   

Monday, 20 June 2016

Response to A2 Media Brief

The brief for A2 media was to create either a short film lasting around five minutes, or to make a music video lasting the entirety of a song of your choice. In addition to this we are required to make two out of a pool of potential ancillary tasks.

The possible ancillary tasks include:

- A website homepage for the band or film
- A digipak for the albums release
- A magazine advertisement for the digipak
- A film magazine front cover, featuring the film
- A poster for the film

Both making a film or music video appeals to me, and so to decide which one I shall do I will look to see which appears more practical and enjoyable. With a short film there is the difficulty of trying to drive a clear narrative in such a short space of time. There is also the difficulty of finding good actors who are willing to participate. There are also several difficulties associated with making a music video, lip syncing for example is notoriously difficult to do, and getting it wrong can largely ruin a music video. Also trying to create a narrative to support a piece of music in a very short space of time could be incredibly difficult. I think that making a short film could be much easier to do wrong, however it possibly also allows for considerably more creativity and freedom. In a music video however you are restricted to the context of the song, although this could allow for some guidance and a starting point.

With regards to which of the two ancillary tasks I will do, it is likely I will choose to do the magazine front cover and a poster for a film. This decision is primarily sourced in my ability to use Photoshop. The making of a magazine front cover and poster will be primarily done through Photoshop, and so having some prior experience with Photoshop will make it easier for me to do, and to do well. Equally, I decided against doing a website homepage because I have little knowledge of how to go about making one. Furthermore the process of having to learn the resources and the method of making a website homepage would be largely time consuming, and may result in a lower quality outcome of work. It is unlikely I will do a digipak purely because I have very little prior knowledge of them, and as it's likely that I will do a short film over a music video, and a digipak is not well suited to that.      

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Expectations Of The A-Level Course

The second year of media studies appears to follow a very similar structure to that of the first years. That being said I'm expecting the second year to be noticeably more difficult than the first. We are again making a short film - or music video depending on your preference. However we are going to have to greatly increase the quality of our short film this year, and show a dramatic improvement upon our first years practical work. I would also expect that the practical work we create this year will come under much greater criticism, and so we will have to ensure a high degree of quality in all aspects of our practical work.

To help to ensure I meet the higher expectations of this year, I reflected upon the previous year and considered what I could do to improve. The main thought that occurred to me was how well I manage my time. In the first year I constantly found myself behind and waiting to long to get things done, so this year I will attempt to complete all set work as soon as I possibly can, and ensure that I begin practical work as early as possible.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Media Studies Coursework Review

Over the AS segment of the media course we created several pieces designed as preliminary tasks, which led to an overall final piece of an opening sequence of a film. We began with a one minute copy of a film of our choice, which was to be filmed on a mobile phone. This was a task simply designed to introduce the course, and begin to get us looking at camera angles. Our second practical task was to create a short film, around three minutes long, in which we encompass the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot. Following this we created a first draft, of what would be our final piece, comprised of a three minute opening sequence focused around the theme of a thriller. After addressing and reviewing our first draft we went on to create our final piece, reflecting upon feedback of our first draft whilst doing so. We had a very loose consistency of themes over the course of these practical tasks, beginning with 1980s horror, then evolving into modernised situation comedy, and ending with the theme of a thriller, as used for our final piece. The likely reason for us incorporating these themes is because they are all generally popular with modern teenage culture including ourselves. We had a considerably diverse range of influences, the comedy aspect coming from popular sitcoms such as Friends and How I Met Your Mother, contrasting from our horror and thriller influences which were derived largely from An American Werewolf in London and Reservoir Dogs. We likely picked these as influences as they again, are generally quite popular with teenage culture. Reservoir Dogs was the largest influence for our final piece as we tried to incorporate the use of a psychopath in a similar way as to how Reservoir Dogs did.

We used a considerable variety of technology in the creation of our final practical task. We used a digital camera for the purpose of the filming, however also used multiple pieces of equipment to aid in the filming, these include a steadicam, a tripod and a skateboard. For the post work after filming I used Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro to do the editing and add any final effects in, such as the titles. As I was editing, the technology I used the most was adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects, I liked and enjoyed both pieces of software however probably preferred using Premiere Pro as I found it slightly easier to use in comparison to After Effects.

I was editing for our final piece, and while I did understand the fundamentals and the basics of editing I still learnt a considerable amount especially with regards to editing to help to construct a story. We decided to incorporate parallel editing into our film, which involved me editing it in such a way to portray two different events happening at the same time along side each other. The difficulty with this was attempting to get the music to transition smoothly between each version every time the setting switched. Another difficulty which I will attempt to avoid in any future work is, when putting titles over the film it emphasises any movement and shaking of the the camera and makes it incredibly clear, even when using a tripod the wind still had a noticeable effect on it. This is something I will be aware of in the future and will attempt to avoid as it does degrade the quality of the work.

Our entire film contained no dialogue, only the overlay of a song. This I think worked very well especially the choice of song, as to the vast majority of the audience it was unrecognisable meaning it didn't serve as a distraction. All of the sound effects we used I thought worked well as none of them contained any background noise and so they all fitted into the film nicely. I also felt that the lighting was successful, we employed a heavy contrast of lighting between the two settings - one being natural daylight, the other being mostly darkness with a small white artificial light. Although in any future work I may attempt to be more experimental with lighting as in our current film the lighting was very basic.

Over the AS year I felt my blog was okay, and that I did put several of the required posts up, however I often waited a very long time to do it, which likely resulted in them being slightly less in depth than what they could have been. I think I could have done more posts on research and deconstructions of other film opening sequences, which would have both improved my blog but also helped improve our final filmed piece. In addition the vast majority of the posts I put up were in reference to the practical side of the course, I documented very little of the work covered in the theory side of the course.

For my next practical piece I have a choice of either creating a short film or music video, both interest me however initially I am more drawn towards doing a short film as I think I will have more creativity with that. I think reflecting upon AS work it is more likely I will work on my own, as this way I think i'll be able to get things done quicker. In previous work when in a group it often took a considerably long time to get things done, as we had to wait for everybody to be available at the same time before we could do any filming, this resulted in us getting things finished very close to the deadline which likely had an impact on the overall quality of our final film piece.


Friday, 17 June 2016

Introduction To Blog

This is my second year A2 A-Level blog for Media Studies, where I shall be posting all the coursework and support work I do this year, up to and including my final short film practical piece.

I enjoy a wide spectrum of media - film being one of the most prominent. However my greatest interest is in music, particularly music from the 70s, 80s and 90s. While I don't play much of any instruments myself, I greatly enjoying listening to music, specifically bands like The Smiths, The Clash and Nirvana. I would like to somehow incorporate these bands into my short film if at all possible.