The second year of media studies appears to follow a very similar structure to that of the first years. That being said I'm expecting the second year to be noticeably more difficult than the first. We are again making a short film - or music video depending on your preference. However we are going to have to greatly increase the quality of our short film this year, and show a dramatic improvement upon our first years practical work. I would also expect that the practical work we create this year will come under much greater criticism, and so we will have to ensure a high degree of quality in all aspects of our practical work.
To help to ensure I meet the higher expectations of this year, I reflected upon the previous year and considered what I could do to improve. The main thought that occurred to me was how well I manage my time. In the first year I constantly found myself behind and waiting to long to get things done, so this year I will attempt to complete all set work as soon as I possibly can, and ensure that I begin practical work as early as possible.
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