Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Experimenting With Lighting

We were introduced to the work of Caravaggio and Tim Walker, differing artists who both utilise light in different ways. Caravaggio is a typically more traditional artist working more with paint in the custom renaissance style, whereas Tim Walker works more with photography in a contemporary fashion.


While looking at Caravaggio we also looked at his use of Chiaroscuro, this being the treatment of light and shade in drawings and paintings, and is generally created by creating a high contrast between light and dark. There is usually an area of darkness next to an intense light source. This generally creates a more moody and eerie atmosphere to an image or picture or painting.   

Tim Walker:

Tim Walker employs the use of light in a more modern and contemporary fashion, creating seemingly unfixed light sources throughout a photograph. This is much more experimental and in Tim Walkers work, I think has been very successful. It is this experimental type of lighting I would like to incorporate more into my work.  


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