Monday, 26 September 2016

Deconstruction on the short film Pong

I decided to deconstruct the short film Pong, as it is both one of my favourite short films, and is also made in the same style as I want mine to be. It focuses on personifying an inanimate object, which I think is a really interesting idea, and if done right can be very effective.

Opening shot fades in from black and slowly zooms in on the ping pong ball from a higher angle. This used to establish the lead and focus character. The use of a high angle shot makes the ping pong ball appear weak and lonely. Starts silently with just the sound of the ping pong ball shuffling.

Low down medium shot, possibly reflective of the ping pong ball. Wooden furniture and white wall used to frame the shot, and depth of focus employed to make the ping pong ball clearer. Ping Pong ball bouncing is the dominant sound with a fast paced drum track in the background, connoting some level of urgency. 

Right to left tracking pan, following the ping pong ball. Clean and steady movement. Conveys a more calm environment.

Elevating birds eye view tracking shot, following the ping pong ball upstairs. Again employing gentle and stable movement.

High angle shot of ping pong ball coming through a small gap in the door. Represents the ping pong ball as trying to navigate the house in secret, similar to many of the James Bond films. 

Close up level shot of the ping pong ball, again utilising the depth of field to put focus on the character. This is a particular shot I would like to use lots of in our short film. I also really like the use of warm lighting within this, and many of the other shots.

Fast paced tracking shot following the ping pong ball across the floor, the increase in speed connotes a level of urgency within the character.

Over the shoulder shot of the ping pong ball looking at someones feet, again using depth of field. This is another shot I would like to incorporate into our short film. I find it's very effective in creating a smaller space seem larger. The drum track quietens to convey how the ping pong ball is trying to hide. 

High angle shot showing the ping pong balls change in facial expression and emotion. As well as the drum track a violin tune begins playing as well, this presenting an increase in tension. 

Again using depth of field to present the two characters present in the shot. Close up used to show various differing emotions. Music track stops, and natural sounds such as birds tweeting begins, this to show romance.

Again using an elevating birds eye view tracking shot, this possibly to convey the upbringing emotions. Romantic violin track to convey the relationship between the two characters.

I particularly like this shot, as it seems very well constructed, with the brick wall acting as a backdrop, and then the contrast of nature in front, with the character spread across almost the entirety of the shot.

High angle close up shot showing the sad emotion of the ping pong ball, the high angle shot again works to convey the character as weak. In addition to this the use of the rain works to create a considerably more miserable atmosphere. Storm and thunder sounds to convey a problem occurring.

A close up shot of the two characters, showing their emotion to make a happy ending. Camera pulls away from these characters to further convey that it's the ending. Romantic violin sounds return to convey a bright happy ending.


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