Monday, 3 October 2016

Our Short Film Pitch

To gain some initial feedback on the concept for our short film we pitched it to our media studies class, who are also our primary audience.

The feedback was extremely positive, and our idea was very well received. The comedic aspect was very popular, however the concept itself with regards to the story and how we are going to create it was also well liked.

Now we know are audience like our idea, we are able to progress in the planning of it, and begin constructing a storyboard and an animatic.
                                                                           We were given advice on ways in which we could further improve our idea. The main suggestion for something we could experiment with was voices. Our initial idea was that the fruit would not talk, we would use facial expressions and an accompanying soundtrack. However people suggested we could attempt to overlay voice to the fruit, this to make it more interesting, and possibly add some vocal comedy. However if we were to do this we would have the added difficulty of lip syncing, and somehow finding a way to animate moving lips onto the fruit. 

So overall our pitch was very successful, and the advice we received was very useful. I think we will attempt to experiment with the idea of adding voices to the fruit, however there is no guarantee we'll use it until we have tried it and insured it both looks and sounds good.

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