The feedback was incredibly positive with people really liking our idea. The consistent lighting was praised, and people thought the animation looked professional. People also liked how we kept a regular filming style and used a range of shots, despite it being an animation. The narrative and characterisation was well liked, with people immediately engaging with the lead character of the orange, and the narrative was also said to be clear and enjoyable, even despite the current lack of sound.
However, to improve our short film even further it was suggested to us that we could try and feminise the apple to a greater extent, to ensure it was clearly a love interest. Conversely, one person did say they liked the concept of us challenging the heterosexual normality. In addition, with regards to sound, it was suggested to us to add some form of narration or voice sounds to the fruit, to add another layer of depth and push the quality of our short film to an even higher level.
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