Thursday, 19 January 2017

Visit From Simon Hall

To help give us an insight into what a life in the media is like, BBC Journalist Simon Hall came in to give a presentation on what a life in the Media can be like. He explained the sporadic and high pressure work environment of a media journalist, caused by the continuously changing and developing events that are happening internationally everyday. While many may consider this a very stressful working environment, he expressed how the enjoyment and opportunities presented by his work far surpass the negatives of his job.

He explained the opportunities of travelling that come with a job as a media journalist. He is provided the opportunity to travel all over the world, visiting numerous different countries, and this is seen as one of the biggest attractions to working in this field. He also explained the difficulties of trying to give unbiased accounts of events, and trying to not allow his personal view to be shown in his reports.

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