Tuesday, 8 November 2016


Are short film only has one human actor in it, the main characters are pieces of fruit. And so to begin looking at pieces of fruit that we could potentially use, we went to our local supermarket to browse the fruit available.

Our focus characters are an apple and an orange,
and it didn't take us long to find two appropriate
pieces of fruit. These ones are large enough to
easily film with, and would clearly appear as the focus in the frame. We consider the Orange to take the male role, and the Apple the female role, with this in mind we tried to find a particularly shiny and rosy apple, so it would appear as feminine as possible.

We also intended to have other fruits present and together, to try and exaggerate the loneliness of the Orange, and also to help fill up some of the frames, and give the impression of a more active and alive environment.

The unity of a bunch of bananas, we thought would be a very good method of helping to emphasise the loneliness of the Orange. We also thought grapes could work to a similar effect. Equally, these different fruits create some diversity of colour within the frame, which will help to make it look more interesting and appealing.

We have the choice of using red or green grapes, or possibly even both. The green clashes with the yellow of the bananas, but the red clashes with the apple. So we will likely use both to balance it out.

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