Monday, 6 February 2017

Planning and Inspiration for Ancillary Tasks

Alongside our short film, which provides the basis for our coursework, we are also required to create two ancillary pieces to support this. For my ancillaries I decided that I wanted to create a film poster and a film magazine front cover. The two of these appealed to me the most as they seem the most enjoyable, but also because to make them, requires a high level of familiarity with Photoshop, which I think I have. Being familiar with Photoshop should allow for me to make high quality ancillaries within the short time frame we are given to do so.

Movie Poster Inspiration:

To help gain some inspiration and allow me to begin planning what I want my poster to look like, I began researching what posters of popular films looked like. I think my favourite of these posters were the more simplistic ones which centre the main subject and are framed by titles. I also think the use of colour is very important, as the posters that use soft but vibrant colours looks very effective.

Film Magazine Front Cover Inspiration:

Most film magazine front covers appear to follow a very similar layout, each presenting an image depicting a significant setting or character from the film, with text layered around it. The aspect of these posters that I like the most is the way in which the image from the film comprises the entirety of the background, with text then layered over it. I've also noticed that each bit of text is a different font and size depending on it's importance, for example the title of the film and lead actor is often made the largest text, with supporting actors and additional pieces of information being printed as slightly smaller text.

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