This is our short film so far, it is currently still a rough cut and contains no sound, there are also several changes that need to be made to the current footage.
Feedback on rough cut:
We showed our unfinished rough cut to a small audience in the interest of gaining feedback on how we can improve. In general our short film was very well received, however there were a few suggestions made to us on how we could improve. One of the more signifiant suggestions made was for us to put a filter on the lighting as currently the lighting appears too blue. Another suggestion made was to speed up the editing in the middle section to help further convey the tension, although this will also be supported by the sound. In other areas however, we were advised to slow down particular shots as they were almost too fast to see. We were also told to re-film one particular shot as the zoom in was incredibly shaky, although we intended to re-film that shot anyway because there were significant continuity issues.
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